Plan of Action

Vishnu Satish · May 7, 2023

Over the next few weeks, I plan on undertaking the following tasks:

  1. Secondary Research: May 7 -> May 15
    • Researching how to utilize motors and wheels to create a launching machine
    • Reach out to friends in Robotics and friends that are interested in mechanical systems for guidance and advice in terms of parts, feedback, etc.
    • Look for parts, while reading specifications and user manuals to ensure compatibility
  2. Design machine: May 7 -> May 20
    • Goal is to make it as easy as possible to develop the mechanical system
    • Using secondary research and the design process, create a detailed design for the system, labelling parts, how they interact, etc.
    • Utilize physics theorems learned in SPH3U and SPH4U to deeply understand the interactions between each component and forces present
    • Order parts on trusted websites or go in-person to acquire parts
  3. Build/prototype machine: May 17 -> May 26
    • Create a machine using the detailed design and secondary research
  4. Testing and adjustments: May 20 -> May 27
    • Test the machine continuously; for speed, direction, etc.
    • Make changes to the machine based on testing results
  5. Data collection and analysis: May 22 -> June 1
    • Using physics (forces, momentum, kinematics, energy, etc.) analyze the machine in detail
    • Compare theoretical quantities to measured values to calculate efficiency, energy loss, etc.
    • Aim to understand how circular motion and the forces present in it is converted to acceleration of the tennis ball

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