Topic Selection

Vishnu Satish · April 1, 2023

The topic I’ve selected is the first one in the Brainstorming post; I will be creating a machine that allows me to bat in cricket without the need of another person.

Research Question

Using concepts of physics such as circular motion, work, and instantaneous velocity, how can I create a machine that enables me to practice batting in cricket without the need of someone throwing a ball?


I’ll be exploring the concepts of circular motion and the forces that the circular motion of an object can play on a ball in order to greatly increase its velocity and act as a “bowler” in cricket; delivering the ball to me so I can practice shots. Since bowlers in cricket must bounce the ball before it reaches a batsman, I will be using both theoretical and experimental considerations when dealing with certain aspects, such as the angle at which the wheels should be to ensure the ball always bounces before reaching the batsman.

The Product

I will create a machine that delivers tennis balls in a repeatable, consistent pattern to allow myself (or any other batsman) to practice cricket shots without the help of another person.

Backup idea

If this idea does not pan out, I will instead analyze swing of a cricket ball and the physical factors that affect it (such as the roughness of the ball, air conditions, speed of the ball, etc.). Swing is when a cricket ball changes direction in the air due to the seam of the ball and unevenness of the ball.

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